Overnight Sensation by Sarina Bowen
Four out of Five Stars
One sentence summary: Jason Castro's got his eyes on the league commissioner's daughter, Heidi, and she's got her eyes on a sensational overnight visit with him. (sorry readers!)
First thought: I love this one! Don't be fulled by four stars. At this point, I'm used to Sarina's work-- I've read almost every one of her books. She's an auto and comfort read for me and Jason and Heidi's story will make it's way into my regular rotation.
Why I read it: See above! Honestly, Sarina is one of my all time favorite romance authors.
POV: First person alternating M|F, present tense
Setting: NYC: Brooklyn!
Tropes: Athlete, Forbidden, Past Scars, Work Place
Our Heroine: Heidi. She's young and spoiled, but owns every second of it. It makes her an adorably self aware and fun to root for. Heidi's full of energy and positivity. I've got a lot of adjectives for Heidi, spunky, go getter, and compassionate.
Our Hero: Jason. He's an adorable Dickens quoting, hockey playing, tequila drinking book boyfriend. Honestly, he's inspired a new blog post called: best book boyfriends! (which is currently under construction). I'd love for some men to take lessons from Jason. While he admits that he's not perfect, he's constantly working on himself, as an athlete, as a boyfriend, and as a compassionate person.
Overall thoughts: Jason and Heidi really fit together. It's obvious that they care so much about their friends and that rolled over into each other. There were some great moments at the beginning of the story that showcased a bromance with Silas and Jason and I really wished for more of those. However, the story really focused on Jason and Heidi's relationship.
While there were certainly moments of pain that our characters had to face, I didn't feel like there was any unneeded drama just keeping the two a part. Just an adorable story of how two people get their HEA.
The sexy scenes: Bossy feminist alpha male alert. I love Sarina's sexy scenes-- they make me feel like there are still wonderful men that respect women. Castro is the ultimate book boyfriend!
The best part of the book: There were some great moments in this book that deal with everyday real issues. It felt so relevant to today, but in a way that made me believe more in men and sometimes the human race. Those moments of addressing our own bias in casual conversation allows us to think about the way we see the world.
Worst part of the book: The only thing I didn't like was more of a writing choice: Heidi's part time job was a bit recycled from the WAGS book: Stay. It didn't really bother me too much, but it pulled me from the story. I mean, it totally made sense, the Heidi's motive was different, and it worked for her! And if there was only one person that created a business, we wouldn't be able to choose from a variety of dating apps!
TLDR: Stop reading this and go read Overnight Sensation. You deserve another book boyfriend.
How I read it: Pre-Ordered this book the moment it was announced.
Links: Overnight Sensation on GoodReads & Overnight Sensation on Amazon
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