Rating Scale

Authors work hard. They're amazing people and I could never do what they do.
 As a reader, I've always loved talking about books. This blog is a way for me to share what 
I'm thinking when I've finished. But first and foremost, I love authors. 
Thank you for making my world a better place. 

My ratings are influenced by me.
When I rate a book, it's because that's how it made me feel after finishing it.

Five Stars: I loved it, and this book will find it's way into my regular read rotation. I don't give out five start reviews to any book. It's gotta make me physically pull my kindle to my chest and let out a sigh. These are the books I still think about without warning.

Four Stars: I liked it and I'm recommending it! This book was an experience and really made me feel something. I loved the characters, the plot, the pacing. Really, I don't have any complaints! It's likely that I'll pick it up again for a reread.

Three Stars: The book was good. There is nothing wrong with a three start rating! Romance is hard and three start books are just fine with me. There's something holding these back from four and five star reviews, but they kept me entertained.

Two Stars: I read it, but there were some flaws. I didn't click with the characters, I wasn't feeling the plot or pacing, or really there was too much telling instead of showing. These books are a fine read, but I'm not recommending them.

One Star: This book just wasn't for me. Please believe me when I say I know that authors work hard. I don't set out to rate a book poorly, but sometimes I just don't jive with what I'm reading. That's the beauty of the romance genera. There's something for everyone and this one just wasn't for me.

Drop a link to your rating scale in the comments below. 

I'd love to know how you approach being a reviewer. 


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