Sin & Ink by Naima Simone

DNF at: 39%- I knew it was time to call it when I'd been on "3 hours remaining" for two days. I just kept putting the book down and picking up my phone.

One sentence summary: Hero wants to be with his dead brother's wife but faces massive amounts of guilt in getting there. 

First thought: Um, this is by far my favorite cover model of all time. My hubby isn't big and bulky, but boy do I love reading about a big muscle filled hero. 

Why I read it: I saw someone on twitter post that this book was NSFW, and something that defiantly shouldn't be read in the Orthodontist's waiting room. That made me laugh out loud, so I instantly downloaded it. (Okay, I never buy without the preview, so I previewed, then instantly downloaded)

POV: Alternating M|F, Present Tense 

Setting: Chicago 

Why I DNF: This book was not for me. I don't mind the story, it's just the inner monolog for each character was so long. I mean, so I long that it would be a paragraph or two between conversations. I'd have to go back a page to see what the characters were responding to. The plot progression was fine, and I really did like the characters, I just couldn't get past the inner brooding. I also understand that it was for good reason. So, I might one day come back to this book, but for now- it just really wasn't for me. 

How I read it: Bought the book for $3.99 and read on my Kindle 

Links: Sin & Ink on Goodreads & Sin & Ink on Amazon

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